Archaeology, Archaeology Conferences

HMS Research in Progress meeting 2010

In a surprising burst of motivation and enthusiasm I offered to organise the Historical Metallurgy Society's Research in Progress meeting for 2010 with a colleague of mine. I have spent the whole of today watching hawk-like over my email as I have sent numerous letters back and forth, but I have successfully settled on a… Continue reading HMS Research in Progress meeting 2010

Archaeology, Archaeology Conferences, Archaeology digital

Discussions on Digital Humanities – #UCLDH

Tonight I visited the pub for the monthly meeting 'Decoding Digital Humanities' [#DDH] run by the UCL Digital Humanities Centre (or soon-to-be centre) [@UCLDH].  The general theme of the meeting is to try and explore ideas of 'digital humanities', with a side-order of 'what should the centre do' and an article to discuss to kick… Continue reading Discussions on Digital Humanities – #UCLDH

Archaeology, Archaeology Research

London’s oldest terrace houses

As I was in Newington Green this morning, I thought I'd stop to enjoy the Square. Of particular interest are Nos 52-55, four red brick terraces that are in fact London's oldest surviving terrace houses. Here they are in all their spring sunlit glory. According to Pevsner's Architectural Guide, there are few 17th century houses… Continue reading London’s oldest terrace houses

Archaeology, Archaeology Research

‘The Romanisation of Rome’ – identity or just fashion?

This evening I braved intermittent snowfall and frankly cruel temperatures to visit my old haunt of Kings College London. Nicola Terrenato from Michigan University was giving a talk on The Romanisation of Rome. The Republican period is not my specialism, what with being decidedly non-British, but it was really interesting. The main thrust of the lecture… Continue reading ‘The Romanisation of Rome’ – identity or just fashion?

Archaeology, Archaeology Conferences

LAMAS conference 2010!

The London and Middlesex Archaeological Society will be holding their annual conference on the 13th March, 2010! The venue is the Western Theatre, Museum of London, with the morning session starting at a very leisurely 11am, finishing up about 6pm I expect. Cost (inclusive of afternoon tea) will be: LAMAS Members: £8.00 Non-Members: £10.00. Tickets… Continue reading LAMAS conference 2010!

Archaeology, Archaeology Conferences

Open House 2009

Open House is a weekend event, running once a year, which occurs across the country. The idea is to celebrate architecture, both modern and ancient, by opening up houses and buildings you wouldn't normally get to visit. The weekend used to be organised under the auspices of the Civic Trust, but that folded about three… Continue reading Open House 2009

Archaeology, Archaeology digital, Archaeology Research

Surrey Docks

I recently did a little work in the Surrey Quays area, and I have to admit the whole area is fascinating. The most exciting thing is how drastically the landscape has change in the last fifty years. I wondered how I was going to communicate this without just ranting about it... and then I found… Continue reading Surrey Docks

Archaeology, Archaeology Research

Plague pit or hospital graveyard?

Zoom into the image above about four times, and you'll be able to see London Bridge Street properly. This was on the northern edge of St Thomas Hospital, a medieval hospital established for the relief of the poor and sick. One of only three hospitals to survive the dissolution of the monasteries, albiet with a… Continue reading Plague pit or hospital graveyard?