Support with

I’ve been working as a counsellor since 2016 and have experience working with a wide variety of people of all ages, genders and sexualities. Below are a few of the specialist areas that I have a particular interest in, but I often work with people facing other, or indeed multiple, challenges in life. If you’re interested in working with me, then please get in touch by email of phone.  


Whether you’ve had a diagnosis of depression from a medical professional, are in a familiar emotional state, or you find yourself experiencing symptoms of depression for the first time, talking therapy can be beneficial. The causes of depression are varied and above all specific to the person experiencing it. Your job, home life, accommodation, family life, society and economic situation can all contribute.

Exploring your situation with non-judgemental support can help you understand what is happening, and being able to experience the warmth and acceptance of the therapeutic  relationship can ease distress and help make sense of your experience.

Bereavement and loss

There is no one right way to experience grief or loss, and through my work with the national bereavement charity Cruse Bereavement Care, I have come across a wide variety of people who all experienced grief in their own ways. What is clear to me is that supportive care, that goes at your pace and accepts you for where you are, is imperative easing suffering.

I have particular experience in providing counselling at home for people experiencing loss, and this may be of particular benefit if you are struggling at the moment. Whatever stage you are in your journey, whether you are anticipating a loss or grieving from a bereavement several years passed, I would be honoured to support you. I am passionate about providing caring, supportive and creative counselling for loss.

Life transitions

When things change in your life it can be disorienting and distressing, and all kinds of feelings and thoughts can occur. Whether you’re starting something big like University or a new career and wondering how to make your new life work, whether you’re ending your time at work due to retirement or illness, or you’re ending a long term relationship, it’s very common to feel angry, upset or depressed even when the outlook is ‘good’. This can be a confusing and isolating experience, but sharing it in a confidential and supportive environment can give you the breathing space to process your feelings, explore your sense of identity and develop a firmer of sense of where you are and what you want.

Emotions and thoughts around food

Perhaps you’re beginning to realise that some of your behaviours around food are becoming difficult to manage, or your experiencing an increasing intensity to thoughts and feelings around food which you’re not comfortable with.

Does your experience of food come with an intensity of emotion that is difficult to manage or uncomfortable? Whether that is guilt and shame, or excitement, release and relief, we can work together to explore what is happening with no fear of judgement or censure.

Body image and experience

I take an accepting approach to bodies of all shapes and sizes, and believe in destigmatising our embodiment. I invite you to come into therapy to work with your thoughts, feelings and actions around your body. I privilege your knowledge of your own embodiment, and will accompany you in your journey towards a fuller relationship with your self.

We will create a safe space in which you can explore your connection with your body and your experience of living in your body, both in the past and the here and now. Whether you find it easy or hard to love your body, my priority is working with you where you are and at the pace that you are comfortable with.